Thursday, March 17, 2011

Been a long time....

Well, I guess I got tired of writing since I haven't blogged since last May. That's the thing about me....I often start something or have a very cool idea and i try it out for a bit, but it never lasts. I am a quitter! Boo.

This school year has been busy. If I let this year determine my future in teaching, I would run like hell to the woods and never return. It has been quite a journey (and not necessarily a good one) although hopefully it has made me a better teacher. I loath how our kids treat each other and adults and think that it is okay...and well, I guess we allow it and show them that its okay so it is our own fault as well. Taking on 7th and 8th grade has been a challenge; I still love the 8th grade curriculum, but I am not to hip on the 7th grade curriculum....yet. I felt like we spent way too much time in the text book - which I hate - and most of our kids can't read well anyway, so what's the point? But I do love doing the group activities, if only I could get my lovely students to participate more and give better effort and really learn something from the experience. I do hope to teach 7th and 8th grade again next year and make some changes to help make the program better.

This year also helped remind me how very important family is to me. I love my parents and moved closer to them; I get to visit them a few times a week and we usually have dinner once a rocks! I also love spending time with my brother....we will be going to the zoo quite soon to visit the new baby rhino here in KC....who is soooooooo cute. I also love seeing my sister and Pete and the nephews are amazing and they make me laugh and I love to cuddle with them. I wish we were closer in distance so we could spend more time together.

I guess that is where I am right now. As many people know, I shaved my head in December and it is growing back now....I even had a faux hawk today. It was super exciting, but I don't think I'll ever need to do it again. It's not exactly my style. :)

I keep contemplating this blogging thing. I don't know why I bother blogging because everyone who subscribes to my blog is someone who I talk to/see often or am friends with on facebook which is how I really keep in touch.....but I guess I'll keep giving it a shot here and there since sometimes I just need to write. :)

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